CIRCular valorization of industrial
ALGAE waste streams into high-value
products to foster future sustainable
blue biorefineries in Europe
This Horizon Europe project CIRCALGAE has a goal to develop sustainable algae-based biorefineries and products supporting the health of aquatic ecosystems for a healthy planet and people.
It aims to valorize the massively produced, but at the same time under-exploited algal biomass into high value-added ingredients for the feed, food and cosmetic applications.
Circalgae concept
The CIRCALGAE project, funded by Horizon Europe, aims to valorize the algae waste streams from existing algae farms in Europe
Why valorize algae waste streams?
Algal biomass is massively produced (over 36Mt/year worldwide) but at the same time underexploited. Vast amounts of waste are generated by the algal industries (up to 95% of the initial biomass in some cases).
Through a cascade biorefinery approach, this waste material can be transformed into high-value products.
Key figures
Discover the key figures of the CIRCALGAE project
blue biorefineries will be developed
Consumer acceptance surveys
cross-sectional training workshops
demonstrator products will be developed
€ million European Commission fundings
About the project